Safety Culture
Creek Oilfield Services places a special emphasis on safety, believing that all of our customers and employees should enjoy the benefits of working in a safe environment and getting home safely to their families.
In 2020, we implented a completely paperless safety documentation program called Site Docs. This program has allowed our personnel to have their safety documentation at their fingertips by utilizing a mobile application on their cellular devices. Safety documentation is uploaded weekly for review by staff and we can now easily e-mail any documentation that may be requested.
Every employee has Stop Work Authority, and we ensure that training is provided so that they can understand the importance and the responsibility tied to this authority.
As a North Dakota company and an enrolled member on the FBIR, we carry the burden of being responsible to our environment. We have made a very personal commitment to keep our state and reservation lands clean for generations to come.
As a hauling company and service provider, we are obligated to stay in compliance with DOT regulations for multiple authorities, including City, County, State, and Mandan Hidatsa Arikara (MHA) DOT. Our goal is not only to comply, but to set the example for others to follow.
Training Certifications & Requirements
Our staff upon hiring goes through a number of training requirements. In order to maintain compliance with our many operators we require that all personnel have their One Basin One Way(OBOW) Training, PEC, and H2S. Once hired personnel will also sit through a number of other operator specific trainings through online platforms such as ISN and Veriforce. Certifications are maintained by the administrative staff and reminders are sent out with advance notice in order to maintain proper certifications.

Safety Incentive Program
In 2023, Creek Oilfield Services has made the push to overhaul our safety program. Throughout the year we will have a different safety focus and corresponding training topic videos to go along with each month’s focus. With the push to have a safety focused atmosphere, Creek has implemented a brand-new Safety Incentive Program. Creek will reward and recognize an individual(s) for going above and beyond the call of duty and having the best safe practices throughout the prior month. The Creek Monthly Safety Excellence Award (CMREA) will be awarded monthly.